Status of Residence
When a person works for a company as non-engineer, for example, as an accountant, the person can apply for “Specialist in Humanities / International Services.”
Status of
Residence |
Authorized Activity
Specialist in Humanities |
Activities to engage in services, which require knowledge pertinent to jurisprudence, economics, sociology or other human science fields, based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan |
International Services |
Activities to engage in services which require specific ways of thought or sensitivity based on experience with foreign culture, based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan |
(i) Certificate of matters entered in the registry and a copy of the profit and loss statement of the inviting organization.
(ii) Material certifying the contents of business of the inviting organization.
(iii) Graduation certificate or a certificate pertaining to the period during which
the alien majored in subjects pertaining to the activities, and a document certifying the alien’s career.
(iv) Document certifying the contents and period of the activities and the alien’s position and reward.